Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Asking Hour

When you have children, there are certain hours of the day that you can just predict. For me, 7:20 - 7:50 (school days) is the bitching/crying/sassing hour. (I am completely aware that it's only 30 minutes. It feels like 3 hours so I'm calling it an hour) 5:00 - 6:00 is the asking hour. I am at the children's beck and call all day. I neglect tidying up until 5 pm because no matter how much I clean, it will be undone by the time Fidel gets home and it will look as if I've done nothing anyway. At 5:00, I start picking up the living areas, working on dishes and prepping dinner. It's during this time that my children decide to ask for everything and anything under the sun. Popsicles, popcorn, raisins, watercolors, playdough, moonsand, knives to throw, etc. I have finally lost it today after the baby powder incident and I've forbidden to ask me for anything unless they are bleeding uncontrollably or have managed to light themselves afire.

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