Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Old Biotch, Meet Karma

Moggie and I hit the Chick Fil A drive thru tonight for dinner for the family. I stopped to let a family cross in front of me and this old bitch in a burgundy Crown Victoria whipped around me and jacked me for my spot in the drive thru line. I didn't do anything but mumble, "Old bitch" under my breath because I wasn't in any big hurry. After I ordered and drove up to the window behind her, I saw the cashier hand her the drink she ordered and all of a sudden the old bitch was holding the cup outside her window because she had managed to spill the drink all over herself. I had my window down and I laughed, "Ha ha, you old bitch, that's Karma!!".


SkitzoLeezra said...

Don't you just LOVE it! Bitch cut in front of me AND others in Kroger's self check line and when I told her that the line is "back here" she just stared at me. It infuriated me so much that asked if she heard me. Nuthin'. Glory be to God that her big pizza from the fancy deli section fell on the floor UPSIDE down. I laughed out loud while the pansies behind me snickered. I called out "Bon appetit!" to her and her pig faced children. I love me some karma, I tell ya!

Jennifer said...

Bon Appetit indeed! That is too funny.

I have to watch myself in Kroger. They all know me and my pharmacist is within sight of the registers so I mind my P's and Q's in there. I probably would have had to crouch down and hold my crotch to avoid pissing myself if I had seen your little episode.

Stacy said...

LOL - that's what she gets. Karma is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Those are 2 great Karma stories!!

Maddness of Me said...

Oh, I'm glad it ended that way. I thought this was going to be a story about some old lady who heard you call her a bitch and got out of her hooptie to kick your ass.

Whew. That was close.

Mom O Matic said...

You badass!

Mandy said...

*snort* Isn't it deliciously satisfying when you get to actually witness karma?

Anonymous said...

This is my story about karma. One day there were 4 of us golfing and we were drinking beers that we had brought to the coarse. The beer cart girl caught us drinking and dumped are beer in a really cocky rude way as if she was saying ha ha i got your beer. 3 holes later we found a 40oz of whiskey that fell out of her cart going over a bump opps that's karma bitch and we ordered coke for the rest of the round lmao

SkitzoLeezra said...

Where are you, MF Jennifer?!

Anonymous said...

My window is NEVER open at times like this, good for you.