Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear Lord

Please let me fart. That's all I want, to pass some of this gas that has me swollen as a tick.

I have had an absolutely horrible day. A friend called and asked if she could do anything for me and I asked her to come shoot me in the head or smother me with a pillow. I actually laid in bed and prayed to fart.

My next door neighbor is a nurse and she brought me some flowers this afternoon and had me up walking around and I was able to burp a few times and it relieved me a little. I'm no longer suicidal so I'd say I've improved today.


Anonymous said...

You poor thing! I never thought I would say this, but I will pray that you fart soon.

H Oh said...

That must be just awful.

I knew you would make me want to keep this contraption a little longer! *L*

Is Gas X in order? I would think that would help.

Kalyn said...

I hope you fart soon too. Sending gassy wishes your way!!!

Anonymous said...

I commented about this on the "I lived" post. I don't know if you had open surgery or laparascopic, but either way your belly goes into shock. If it was lap, they inject shitloads of air in to make room for the scopes. Either way, you DO need to fart. You've got to keep moving, babe.


Anonymous said...

I don't post very often (I just can never think of anything funny or interesting to say)but I read your blog everyday.

The first sentence made me laugh outloud with a mouth full of juice. :)
