Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nobody's Getting Dead

This afternoon, the kids wanted popsicles after Tootie came home from school. It was pretty hot so I pulled out two popsicles and gave one to each girl. Moggie, in typical Moggie fashion, managed to suck a big hunk of ice down her throat and started screaming about how she was choking to death. Her voice was all funny because she had a chunk of ice lodged in her esophagus but if she was talking, she was breathing so I just tried to calm her down to take a drink of water to help the ice melt. She didn't convince me that she was dying, but she did easily convince Tootie who broke out in wailing sobs while she waited on her sister to drop dead. These two are just too much to take. If I wasn't full of vicodin for my arm pain I'd pop a Bud Light.


Anonymous said...

I know this is so wrong to say, but children are WAY more tolerable when you are "happily induced" with something!!! I have 3 kids, and the two youngest, who are four and a half, are twins and are too much sometimes. I got a crick in my neck and was all hocked up on muscle relaxers and I enjoyed my kids so much more. We all just laughed and laughed... ahhhh good times...

Mom O Matic said...

It's cute that her sister flipped out. At least cute to me, miles away from your house.

Jennifer said...

Katie- it's so funny how cute and lovable they are when I'm all hopped up on drugs!

Lotta- the kid keeps breaking out in tears and saying, "I nearly DIED". I think she got her mother's flair for the dramatic!

Anonymous said...

My name is Marcy Barnes and i would like to show you my personal experience with Vicodin.

I am 23 years old. Have been on Vicodin for 3 months now. Is very relaxing, is the perfect medice for pain and eit calms you and mellows you down the best

I have experienced some of these side effects -
constipation, dependecy, nausea and stomach pain at morning.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Marcy Barnes