Friday, May 23, 2008

Slug Killer

I spent the afternoon Googling aphids, bugs eating marigolds, bugs eating verbenas before the ADD/CRS kicked in and I forgot about my gardening problems. I took a nap and woke up after our little afternoon thunderstorm was over to take the dogs out to pee. I sat on the front steps to wait on the canine urination fest to end and noticed fucking slugs eating up my plants in the urns flanking the front steps. The little bastards have eaten my marigolds down to the stalks and have feasted on every verbena bloom that's thought about opening. I ran inside to grab the salt but Fidel told me not to because he didn't want the gooey mess on the front sidewalk. I'm glad he's so tidy because after I googled salting slugs I discovered that the salt can ruin your soil. I'm putting a deep bowl with some milk in it out there tonight to try and drown them. Some people say to use beer but I don't feel like drinking tonight (yes, I am actually sick) and I'm not wasting an entire beer on the vermin who have ruined my flowers.

Tomorrow I'll go and get some Sluggo to kill the slugs. And I'll whittle down a chopstick to a sharp point to impale the survivors of the carnage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't laugh, but beer is the best thing to kill slug/snails!! Get the cheap kind so you don't feel bad about wasting a perfectly good beer.