Monday, December 17, 2007

I Pray You Are Dyslexic

To the person who landed on my blog by typing in, "I really am a cock carving housewife", I pray that you are just dyslexic and weird. Or that your husband can run really fast from a knife-wielding psycho. Make no mistake, I'm fond of the wiener but there's nothing to learn from typing that into Google. Nothing at all. You probably found things that made you wanted to poke your eyes out. Crave and Carve are two totally different concepts. Good luck to your husband, either he's got himself a horny housewife or he better be covering up that pecker around you.

This person was from Pennsylvania, so watch your peckers, Pennsylvania men.


SHELLEY said...

OMG, that is so frigin funny. I swear every time I read your blog I absolutely crack up. You are one funny girl. :)

Laurel said...

I really needed that this morning! LMAO!!!

Unknown said...

OMG! I am laughing my ass off. I just spit out some of my beer dammit. It is my last one and I don't want to waste it.

Kate said...

Maybe its my hubby's ex wife - or as I like to affectionately call her - Fat Cow.

Mom O Matic said...

God - I always leave comments at 2am so I bet I've made a few men clutch their weiners too. Uh, I mean in fear. Right. In fear.

Anonymous said...

OMG that is so funny

Stacy said...