Friday, December 14, 2007

Santa, Cancel That Order

Today, Tootie brought home her work from this week, just like she does each Friday. We sit together and read over what she's done and today I found her Christmas list book. That little turkey has asked Santa for sheets for her bed. Can you imagine what her teachers think of us?! I bet they picture her sleeping on a bare, dirty mattress since the poor monkey is asking Santa for bedsheets. I swear, if Toys for Tots shows up on our doorstep bearing gifts I'm going to spank her ass. I feel like I need to email her teacher to explain that the child just has a genuine fondness for linens and isn't in need of any domestics, but that would just be weird.


ErIn said...

LMAO! I love Tootie!

Anonymous said...

Is she the one that draws risque pictures of Spongebob too? Too funny!

My boy Cole, when he was five he told the teacher he didn't need any clean underwear from her..... he'll just turn his underwear inside out like his Mama says.

Um..... we were in Wal-Mart you freak, and I had no diaper bag with extra underwear to change into because of the speck of poop on your underwear, so I turned them inside out to keep him from spazzing in the Wal Mart restroom because his poop was touching him.

God bless America!

Mom O Matic said...

That is hilarious! Son has been asking if we can play the lottery so daddy doesn't have to work so much anymore. If that doesn't make Grandma triple the present booty I don't know what will.

Stacy said...

OMG LOL!!!!!!!