Sunday, September 23, 2007

That Was Too Easy

Hmm... I have a short attention span with cars. Back before kids, I got a new car every summer. After I had Tootie, I kept my Volvo for 3 years which was a record for me. After Moggie, I had to throw style to the wind and I got the Van of Shame, a Sienna minivan. In a color I didn't even like. I've backed it into our fence, scraped up a mirror by misjudging the garage door entrance and the interior is my secret plot to get Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs to show up at my doorstep to tackle cleaning my van, then he can tackle the dirty housewife who allowed her kids to make such a mess.

Anyway, my lease is up in June so Fidel and I have been discussing our options as far as my vehicle. He wanted to buy a truck and let me drive his sedan, but then he came to his senses and knew that if he let me drive his sedan it would look as nasty as the VOS does. Then he wanted to just pay the residual on the VOS and keep it until the wheels fell off. I'm over the van and I want a Sequoia so I made him a proposal. I said, "Let's get an SUV with towing capabilities so that we can get a travel trailer and a utility trailer" and I don't know if it's because I was topless when I said it or what, but he agreed to that! My challenge is keeping him from changing his mind before it's time to actually seal the deal. That means I'll be outside cleaning out my Mike Rowe bait today and keeping it clean until spring. I don't know if a Toyota is worth all that effort, maybe I should ask for the Lexus!

Sorry, MR, you know you have it going on but it would never last between us. I'd quickly forget that you are a sexy beast when you come home with clothing covered in pig shit and sewage. I'm fickle like that.


RG Mama said...

I'll be quoting you on the VOS. Love that! Love this whole post actually. Hilarious!

K said...

Well Toyota makes Lexus, so there ya go! Hope hubby doesn't change his mind...and there's always "the promise." ;o)

ErIn said...

Mmm, mmm, mmm! I love me some MR (it's the arms)! Oh and I hope Fidel doesn't change his mind before the summer.

ErIn said...

Mmm, mmm, mmm! I love me some MR (it's the arms)! Oh and I hope Fidel doesn't change his mind before the summer.

Laurel said...

Seriously, Can you get any funnier?