Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The New Babysitter

It's Spring Break here in Georgia and Grandma is here from out of town, so my kids have been driving me batshit. We took an outing to Wal-Mart this morning and miraculously stumbled upon a Wii, and Grandma wanted to buy that for the girls as a joint birthday present. Those monkeys bowled for 4 hours straight. I had to pause it to make them go pee. I'm thinking I'll scatter a bag of popcorn about and turn on the Wii and have plenty of time to go get a mani/pedi before they miss me.

When I was at the Wal-Mart I noticed that I'm not the only mom worn out on this fine Tuesday of Spring Break. We didn't get through the doors before a kid had a meltdown. I watched the mom drag her into the store and have her I swear I will haul you out of here by your ear if I don't whip your ass in the band-aid aisle speech through clenched teeth. I walked by her and said, "You go, girl" and whacked my two in the head for good measure. Well, to be honest I saved the head whacking for the toy section because I had their mouths stuffed with lollipops I snagged from the bank. But I was ready to smack them if they got out of line.

1 comment:

so tired said...

Reminds me of the time I ran into my girlfriend in the parking lot of the grocery store with her three kids. While we were talking her two oldest (both boys) got into a tumbling argument. She snatched them both up whacked one on the head with her hand and kicked the other one in the ass and told them to get in the car.

I got out of there quick before somebody called CPS and I had to testify against her. Because God knows I don't want custody of those kids!