Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Shit Will Kill You

Fidel was at the dinner table tonight and he said that he wanted to go look for some mushrooms. I've been into the wine so at first I was like, "Alright!" but then I heard the voice of reason telling me that mushrooms aren't a good idea unless you know what you are doing. I most definitely do not know a thing about mushrooms except for the wrong one will kill your ass. I also know that in the 12 years that I have known my husband he's never picked one mushroom so he must understand my apprehension at eating any of his poisonous foraged fungi. I just looked at him and said "What are you planning to do with the mushrooms that you may find" and he explained how he would quarter them and fry them blah blah blah. After he was done I looked at him and said, "Well I'm not eating them". He asked, of course, why not so I said, "That shit will make your liver fly out of your butthole". He knew that the crazy had taken over by that point so he dropped the mushroom talk. How could he really argue with my reasoning, though.


Mom O Matic said...

Our family actually goes mushroom hunting every year about this time. We look for morrell (sp?) mushrooms. Fry them and eat them.

Which might explain a lot about my family.

AFRo said...

Mushrooms could be good... and serve alternate purposes besides the whole nutrition thing. I'm just sayin.

so tired said...

Alright, did you eat one of the poisonous mushrooms? Where did you go?

AFRo said...

Slacker. Where are you?