Thursday, March 20, 2008

Aggravating People and Making Peace with Cardio Party

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but just to people in general. If you are being aggravating and someone is trying to say no to you nicely, just chill the hell out. It's the people who cannot take no for an answer that drive bitches like me batshit and make me lose my temper. I swallow a pill every night, make the monthly trip to the pharmacy and semi-annual doctor's visits just so that I have the ability to tell you "no" nicely those 4-10 times it takes before I'm screaming. I'm too quick to say "Fuck Off" and I have made considerable efforts to temper that behavior, so meet me halfway and don't make me lose my shit. That means no passive-aggressive shit, no whining, just move the hell on.

Moving on...

I made peace with Cardio Party this morning. I have been avoiding it like the plaque but I did it and Turbo Sculpt this morning. I now need to go make peace with the shower and the Lever 2000 because I'm raunchy.


Stacy said...

I'm so glad you made peace with Cardio party. I cannot wait to see you in May. Cardio party and Turbo sculpt on the same day? You are going to be looking so hot. I'm proud of you! I'm off to look and see if there is a new cardio party version. I think I have cardio party 3 and I need a new one. I could do it in my sleep! LOL

Mom O Matic said...

Now that's just teasing? Who ticked your fine ass off?