Monday, March 10, 2008

Too Good for Manual Labor?

Do you know anyone or are you someone who just won't do manual labor? I'm just asking because I was out front trimming our shrubs (it's a gorgeous day) and the neighbor across the street looked at me like I had 2 heads. I also clean my own house (allegedly) which is also looked down upon. I have tried the maid thing and I do welcome help when I'm planning a big event here but for everyday purposes I do a much better job cleaning my house. The maids that were here last time left the glass on my shower all streaky and I had to clean it again before Fidel got home so that I didn't have to hear his mouth about the maids half-assing it. Don't get me wrong, they actually got down inside the shower drain thing and cleaned all that gunk and that's territory I just won't explore. I will pour some straight bleach down that bad boy but I draw the line at anything beyond that.

If I worked, there's no way I could clean this house. Since I stay home, I kind of feel like it's my job. A job I do sporadically but still my job. That I would get fired from if it were a real job. Well maybe not since I'm sleeping with the boss but no one would like me because the only reason I would have said job is because I'm banging the boss. I think Fidel would argue with the banging the boss part but you all know I do. I do have two children and those weren't miracled here.


Anonymous said...

I love to be out in the garden. I weeded for the past 2 days and still have more to do. My gardener doesn't do it.. he just mows the lawn (roll eyes)

I would probably ban him from doing it now just like I did with Brian b/c it made the MS go away (for awhile)

Jennifer said...

Laura, I think most of my problem is that I'm a perfectionist about some stuff. Shrubberies are a big deal in a landscape and if someone I was paying lopped them off to look stupid for seasons to come, I'd be out there screaming like a nutcase and I'd be pissed off every time I went out the front door. If I do them myself I'm guaranteed to like how they look or at least I know I can forgive the trimmer. :)

Weeding helped MS?! Laying down helped mine, ha ha.

so tired said...

My husband is the perfectionist and the manual laborer half of our partnership. I am just a lazy perfectionist. I see lots of details and have great ideas and plans. But I'm all talk. My husband is the one who has to have a project.

We do work well together because I come up with some good ideas and he executes them pretty well. We won a landscaping award from our neighborhood association this past summer and a Christmas lighting award this winter.

Your last post about the girl's bathroom... if I just mentioned thinking about painting for a brief second, he would not be able to rest until I picked out a color from his color chart/deck thing and he went and purchased a couple gallons. He'd be taping the same day.

I've learned over the years not to mention any projects I'm thinking about. Because if I do, he will harass me to complete them. And I am a total procrastinator and don't complete ANYTHING 100%...

Adriane said...

I read you often and love your wit. I also wish I had a hubby who was more get-up-and-go. I can't get him to do a dang thing unless it involves Star Wars and/or bacon products.

Mom O Matic said...

I've been trying to figure out how I can smuggle the maid back in on Wed. My husband doesn't think we have the cash for one.

When the kids were little it was easy. But now they would totally nark on me.

Anonymous said...

Jenn, I am right there with you!! I got over it with the housekeeper, but I do clean behind her somedays. I'll just tear a room apart and clean it. I hate the way she makes beds, so I redo them too :P Oh, and I prefer she not do dishes either b/c I'm not sure she uses hot enough water. Weird, I know... but she can dust and vacuum and mop and clean toliet like no other!!

At least I know the house isn't a dister 2 days of the month LOL