Friday, March 7, 2008

In Case You Wondered

I have been working out this week. I've done 4 days of 1 hour each. I skipped Wednesday due to Fidel's surgery but I'm working out tomorrow morning before I go to SC for the weekend so that will be my 5 days. I'm not being great about the diet but I can tell that I'm a little more discerning about what I eat because I don't want to waste my burned calories.

Turbo Ab Jam does unholy things with your abs. By the end of the hard part of the workout, I don't even want to look Chalene in the face. I do like the workouts and look forward to doing them. I still don't like Cardio Party so I'm doing my own alternate plan of the 20-minute cardio workout and then either the Ab Jam or Turbo Sculpt, alternating days.

I have an appointment to have a physical (the blood work kind) on Wednesday so I can get the gout taken care of and make sure that I don't have any underlying conditions that made me gain so much weight so quickly. I don't feel like anything is wrong but I have insurance and haven't had a real checkup done in years so it won't hurt anything to get checked out.

That's about it for me! The girls and I are going over to visit my family this weekend, and leaving Fidel on his own. He needs to rest and nap but I will come home and find all kinds of crap that he's fixed or cleaned. He can't sit still when he's bored. I tell you, if he left me home alone for the weekend I wouldn't get out of my jammies.


Mom O Matic said...

What kind of unholy things?

so tired said...

You kind of implied that you are supposed to get out of your jammies on the weekend. Is this true? If so, I'm in big trouble.