Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Attention to Detail

I was driving Moggie to preschool this morning and drove past a "Prison Work Detail" sign. I crested a hill and there was the orange bus with prisoners walking beside it picking up garbage. Since the bus was taking up the whole right lane, there were two prisoners holding the "STOP" and "SLOW" signs. The prisoner in my lane was holding a STOP sign facing me and he was waving me through like I was an asshole for not being sure whether to continue driving or to stop. I pointed at his sign, rolled my window down and said, "It's that same attention to detail that put your ass on a prison bus". Well I didn't really say anything because I was too busy answering questions about why it's spring but I definitely thought it. Plus I prefer to keep my windows up and my doors locked when I'm driving through a prison work area.


so tired said...

Did you see the "Man with no eyes"???

Cool Hand Luke reference... just in case.

Mom O Matic said...

God that drives me NUTS! When they motion for you to come forward like your an imbecile for slowing down and checking for yourself.