Thursday, June 26, 2008

Not to Be Ugly

Have you ever noticed that the words "Not to be ugly" always precedes something that is actually very ugly? I should probably replace that entire phrase in my vocabulary with the words "I'm about to say something you will want to slap me for" because honestly, that would be a lot more accurate.

Anyway, before I digress into the idiosyncrasies of slightly imbalanced Southern women, I'll just say that there is one building product that I hate with a passion, and that is diagonal lattice. I see it all over and I'm not judging anyone that has it, but it is not something that I personally want to wake up to every morning. I don't cringe when I visit someone with diagonal lattice, I barely notice it, but I just cannot lay in my bed knowing that there's diagonal lattice on my deck. Yes, it's shallow, ridiculous and just a bit neurotic but it ain't. happening. here. Uh-uh.

I told Fidel that I wasn't having it, to not even suggest it and to let his contractor know. Lo and behold, what do you think is sitting on top of the pile of lumber that was just dropped in our driveway for the deck construction. Diagonal fucking lattice.


my2boyz said...

Oh I HATE lattice as well. When we did our deck we used a screen like thing. It is not your typical chicken wire but it looks like a screen but the holes are a bit bigger, make any sense to you? If not let me know and I will take a pic and email it to you. We need to be united, women who hate lattice!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I totally agree... We are about to build a deck as well, and there will be no.lattice.anywhere.

AFRo said...

*Bless his heart*

Mom O Matic said...

I support your anti-lattice stance. Should we make signs?

Anonymous said...

Are you my long lost sister?? I hate that stuff too!! I would have gone outside and tossed it in the creek :D