Wednesday, February 13, 2008

For the Love of God

Could someone please tell me how in the fuck to watch a downloaded tv episode on my fucking iPod Touch!?? I'm about to have to resort to digging out the manual and nothing good can come of that, my friends. I have a sick child to get to the doctor and the dishwasher hasn't begun unloading itself yet so there's no way I can allow myself to get caught up in a technical manual. I'm to the point with this iPod that I would probably open the door to anyone ringing my doorbell and shove it at them and say, "Please, just take this goddamned thing" and send them on their way.

Not that my patience has been worn thin by three days with a feverish child or anything, but I have a date with Fidel's coffee machine and a bottle of Bailey's after this appointment with the pediatrician has been completed to my satisfaction. Thirsty Thursday will just have to begin a day early.


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you're having a WTF Wednesday!

K said...

Did you look in videos? also, if you auto-sync it will take all the old stuff off the ipod touch and put the new stuff on. You would have to manually sync. also try checking in your itunes folder under downloads.

If all else fails, email my hubby and he can ask his nerd friends.
He won't mind and you need your show!!!

Jennifer said...

Katrina, I did look under videos. I made it through the doctor's visit without "Minnie's Picnic" so I'll have Fidel play with my iPod tonight.

Thank you so much for the offer of your husbands services though!

AFRo said...

I can't even figure out WTF an RSS feed is, much less a damn iPod. Sorry, I'm no help on this one.