Friday, February 29, 2008

I Have to Stop Watching Lost

Did you catch last night's Lost? I am a bit of a hypochondriac and I freaked myself out today after watching Desmond experience his weird time-travel crap. I was in Costco the and I had unloaded my stuff onto the belt and then I looked down and there was a huge barrel of two-bite brownies and another barrel of blueberry mini-muffins. I was startled like, "OMG, I do not remember grabbing those" and sure enough I hadn't. They belonged to the woman in line before me.


Anonymous said...

I'm not reading this yet... I haven't watched Lost yet. Michael watched last night, but I was in a Nyquil coma by that point.

AFRo said...

I almost didn't read because I haven't watched yet, but your story sucked me in. Made me giggle.

so tired said...

You totally should have lifted those brownies.