Monday, February 18, 2008

He's Going to Lurve This

I had a social committee meeting tonight for planning our neighborhood Easter egg hunt. I volunteered myself for hiding eggs, boiling eggs for the egg relay race and collecting donated food for drop-off. I volunteered Fidel to be the Easter Bunny, ha ha. He's fighting the idea but I think he would be a fine bunny. I would pull his tail and poke him with carrots until he tackled me and then I'd have to kick the Easter Bunny's ass in front of all the neighborhood kids. I think I may be losing it because this is really funny to me.


AFRo said...

If you and the bunny get into a throw down, there better be video posted so the rest of us can enjoy the amusement!

ErIn said...

LMAO! I can't wait to see pics of Fidel dressed as the EB!!

ErIn said...

LMAO! I can't wait to see pics of Fidel dressed as the EB!!

Anonymous said...

I love your twisted ass mind!! LOL