Friday, February 15, 2008

I Completely Suck

This afternoon, I was at the bus stop with some other neighborhood moms. When the kids started piling off of the bus, one mom said, "Did you smile pretty for your pictures?" and I said, "CRAP". I did say that out loud in front of a gazillion elementary school kids and their too-young-for-school siblings, and I did completely forget that it was spring picture day at school. Despite the repeated reminders sent home in the book bag and via email.

The funny thing is that the reminders said to "Wear your best clothes" and I sent Tootie in a Gymboree llama shirt, and a pair of jeans with a hole in the knee and her everyday sneakers. With a non-matching barrette. The good news is that spring pictures aren't in the yearbook, the bad news is that the class picture was made today. Hopefully one mom sent her kid to school in their jammies with unbrushed hair. That would really take some of the shame off of me.


Hair Girl said...

My big kid told me once "Don't worry, Mom. You don't have to buy them, they will just burn the pictures of me if you don't." Nice guilt trip, huh?

Jennifer said...

Oh geeze, no pressure there!! That's how Picture People established themselves, I swear. I bought pictures because I couldn't bear the thought of them being thrown away like garbage. I much prefer their new digital viewing of pics.

AFRo said...

You can't win them all and you've had a tough week, I say it's excusable. All of our family Christmas shots have my oldest with his hands over the knees of his jeans to cover the gaping holes. Whatever.

They're kids.

And my youngest announced yesterday that, "Someone needed to help him get the CRAP out of the car."

It was all I could do not to roll over laughing while trying to explain that was not very nice.

Jennifer said...

Yeah, "crap" is the least of our worries here. My youngest has recently said, "Jesus Christ, whass wrong wif you".

Hair Girl said...

I was reading the comments and laughed out loud. My dear Husband, asked what was so funny on "Your Mommy's lost"? Then as he walked out of the room he said, "Those freakin' blogs".

I love my new blog friends!

Mom O Matic said...

Pshaw! Your kids will be the only ones that actually look like themselves. You can look back at those pictures and remember the messy fun of being a mom to their sweet little selves.

Anonymous said...

I know she will love beautiful anyway!! Remember, I did this too and the pictures look cute!

Nicole Pelton said...

I always tell myself, I want my kids to look like themselves, rather than I'm too lazy to try to get them to dress up for pictures. They look great however they are dressed. Or perhaps I'm reliving my own childhood, when I was the one with the messy hair in the photos.