Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ask Mama

Q: Dear Mama F, I would like to go out clubbing with my friends this Halloween. My wife isn't crazy about this idea.

ps- she is due to have our baby at any moment and already dilated 3 centimeters.

Signed, Nimwit in MN

A: Dear Nimwit in MN,
I love Halloween. It's probably one of my favorite holidays. But if your wife is due to give birth to your child at any second, going out clubbing is out of the question. Just in case a meteor from Planet Stupid fell out of the sky and struck all sense of reason out of your head, going out for something as stupid as clubbing on Halloween night and leaving your wife home with your other kid who isn't sleeping through the night is about as inconsiderate as you can get. It doesn't matter if you have your cell phone or pager. You are lucky to have a nice wife because if you were married to Mama F you would be scared to go to sleep at night for even letting such a selfish, moronic idea flit across your tiny little pea brain. Hell NO, it's not ok. It would be a better idea to smear yourself in honey and salmon guts and run around in a bear habitat screaming, "Eat me, bears" while wrestling with their cubs.


ErIn said...

Gosh, if this isn't a case of Deja Vu I don't know what is????

Katie said...

ARGGH! Good response. Just irritates me - I am SO NOT PATIENT!!!

Cinnamon said...

Thank God that baby had a mind of it's own and decided to ruin daddies plans! ;)

Anonymous said...

Twenty bucks says he tries to go out tonight anyway.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that he could technically go out since the Mrs. had the baby and he doesn't need to be on call :P

Stacy said...

What a stupid ass. I would have shown my husband what "clubbing" meant when he said something like that to me. I would have found the nearest heavy object and "clubbed" him right on top of his big fat stupid head!