Sunday, October 7, 2007

Lice Are Big Business

I am beginning to think that I am cursed because Tootie has freaking lice. AGAIN. I'm not an expert in head lice and I do not understand how we can still have them. I brush, pick, treat with insecticide, brush, pick, treat, brush, pick, treat. Yet she digs and scratches and turns her hair into a complete rat's nest. I will admit I have looked down my nose at parents who chop off their little girls' hair because of lice. I thought that was the lazy way out and if you just worked harder at getting rid of the lice you could do it without getting the kids hair cut. One of my great strengths is my ability to admit that I was wrong, and let me tell you how wrong I was about head lice. I have worked so hard at getting rid of these little bastards. I think the Kirby vacuum bag factory had to work overtime to keep me in vacuum bags. The CEO of the company that makes NIX probably has a wonderful year-end bonus coming to him. Hairbrushes and combs? I have resorted to throwing them away. I'm throwing decency to the wind and taking Tootie to Wal-Mart to get her hair cut a few inches. I know that's not the answer to the lice issue but at least it will be less to comb.

I've never wished that my children had been born boys but right now I'm having fantasies about buzz cuts and louse-free hair.

Anyway, I'm off to donate yet another $50 to the cause in a futile attempt at getting rid of these mother-f'ing lice. I guess I can at least be grateful that only one person in our house has them. I'm ever the optimist.


Stacy said...

Again? Poor girl. Someone in school keeps bringing that nasty shit in. They should have a black light at the front door and everyone should have to have a head inspection before they are permitted to stay. I know a school that did this. It seemed ridiculous at first but you couldn't even imagine that amount of children coming in with it again and again. Once they started doing that it was gone within a week!

Stacy said...

Ps...don't cut that beautiful hair!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you are going through, it took two years before we got rid of them.

I got hold of a great book - Live Lice Free - The Headlice Handbook, their remedy was all natural and a damn site cheaper than pesticide treatments which are not only expensive but potentially harmful.

You really don't need to do as much cleaning as you seem to be, they really can't live off the head for longer than a few hours.

The book has some good info, but the website is the best part, I was able to discuss all my problems at length with others in the same place. It has been the best resource by far that I've found.

Hope this helps you.

Anonymous said...

There is help for lice available! Lice Solutions is a non profit head lice treatment organization with 2 locations- West Palm Beach, FL and Nashville, TN. As the only non profit focused solely on head lice we see hundreds of cases each week. We offer community awareness, group and individual screenings, and full nit removal services. For more info visit We are here to help be it hands on or though web and phone support.