Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ouch. Really.

I know you guys hear way too much about my evil uterus, but it's really giving me a fit today. I'd like to wash down a Xanax with a bottle of cab and call it a day but I have too much to do. I keep hearing that I Haven't Got Time for the Pain song that was in a commercial. I really don't have time for the pain. I need to get off of my ass to clean out the van of shame for my trip to see the folks this weekend. I also need to do laundry, get out of pajamas and dress my child. I just started working on a list but it got so long and depressing so I stopped that right away. I just popped 2 ibuprofens in hopes that I can function once they kick in. There are better meds around here but I have to drive to the mall and I don't want to be all f-ed up.

Oh, remember yesterday when I said it was going to be a long day with Fidel working from home? It actually turned out to be fun. He took me to my favorite little sushi place for lunch, and to PetSmart and Costco. All of this before we picked Moggie up from preschool. Then he made me dinner. He really is a great guy, no matter what I say about him when he's aggravating me. He's saying he wants to drop the girls off with my folks for a weekend so we can go to Charleston or something. Hmm, I need to do a pill count and see what he's getting into because this is too good to be true.

So get this. We were talking about going somewhere alone, no kids, and he's like, well what would we do there? I said sleep, eat, shop, drink, you know, fun stuff. That didn't sound so fun for him so I said, ok, you play golf and I'll shop. Then he told me that defeats the purpose of going somewhere as a couple, which is true. I'm just so used to doing my own thing and I guess I need to think of something that we can do together. Really shopping together works out for me because Fidel does like to shop even if he won't admit it to himself. And I like it when he shops with me because he can't say anything about what I buy because he gets just as much for himself. Plus, he carries the bags and pays.

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