Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It May Be Time to Cut The Meds

Last night, I popped 2 Valerian capsules and a melatonin pill, and I had a dream that the Osmonds reunited and went on tour. A tour that I bought tickets to see, no less. I was in the front row enjoying the tunes when Donnie and Marie got into a slap-fight and ended the show early.

I don't know if I'm having issues because of the crap I did when I was young, if my brain is just turning to mush in my old age or if the sleepy herbs or happy pills are doing me in. Really do I even care though? Where else can you get entertainment of that caliber, and for FREE. No traffic, no dressing up, don't even have to get out of bed. Sometimes I have wonderful sex dreams, other times I converse with dead people. I never know what's going to happen when I fall asleep. I guess as long as I don't run across Freddy Krueger I'll be ok. I had the Jimmy Legs so bad last night I'm just happy I fell asleep at all. I have 2 sample packs of Restless Leg Syndrome meds but I'm scared to take them because I am too young to be on pills, except my happy pills. You know once you start on a bunch of medicine it's all downhill from there. Next thing I know I'll be carting around pill sorters and hitting the Golden Corral for a 5 o'clock buffet dinner.


K said...

Happy pills, check.

Pill sort box, check.

Wacky-assed dreams, check.

86 years old...nope 35.

Shoot me now.

Anonymous said...

Um, hello! I'm not that much older than you are, and I've been toting the pill sorter (but not to the Golden Corral, thankyouverymuch) for a few years now.

How depressing is that? No wonder there are happy pills in my pill sorter....

ErIn said...
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ErIn said...

What's wrong with hitting the 5 o'clock buffet at Golden Corral????

J/K! Sorta.....

Actually we haven't been there in years, really!